Wednesday, October 6, 2010

tile and more tiles...

Oh, thank you for those nice compliments Adrian. You are so kind.

So, my new studio that seemed so large when I moved in, is getting awfully crowded. Every flat surface has a board with a tile on it, a sculpture, or part of one, or a wad of clay that seems to have some potential that I need to harvest. The tension is rising as the contdown continues. I find myself thinking about art even in my sleep (or lack there of) these days.

I just finished my "Splash" series of tiles that were inspired by a photograph of a drop of water hitting the surface of a pond...thus, a microscopic "SPLASH"! I took that idea and made its' motion -concrete. Given an artistic liscence, I made it a little more exciting, by adding high temp wire, broken glass and oxides, all on top of a porcelain cool.

Today I am folding up a large clay bowl that I finished last night at about 2am. I am making it into a giant shelter or birdhouse. Now, this isn't going to look like just any birdhouse, this is going to be a "contemporary" home for the aesthetically appreciative bird. It's filled with texture and surface yummy for the eye. I want it to mount on a tree and look like a giant pod or nest or even "growth" coming out of the tree.

After that, I will continue on my Alphabet City Tiles...I am making some of the biggest yet...oh, where will I put them all? I need to buy more shelving!

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