Thursday, October 14, 2010

Printmakers Part 2

After the preceeding blog, you might be saying, "Considering all the great artists you just mentioned what's the point of even trying to make art today? There is nothing left to say." Andy Warhol was the first "famous" artists to address this essential problem of modern art directly, but artists have been chewing on this indigestible piece of gristle beginning with Dada to Marcel Duchamp to Damien Hurst. For myself, I have come to my own conclusions.

Conclusion No. 1: Old geezer that I am, I'm still passionate about the past masters. I'll never be able to stop painting, printmaking, drawing or sculpting using traditional techniques.

Conclusion No.2: Harold Bloom the poetry critic and scourge of intellectual mediocrity once said something like, "Contemporary poets and writers have complained that there is nothing left to say, and this is how they justify their literary abortions and grotesqueries. But! provided one finds his own voice, there is everything left to say."

I'm guessing, you're now thinking "So what's this 'your own voice' stuff?" If you are, I commend you, but you'll have to wait for Blog Part Three.

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