Thursday, October 28, 2010


My limited edition engraving for our catalogue is done. Having a limited edition piece for the show catalogue was Jeff's idea. I know at the time he brought it up everyone was thinking, "No way!" but he insisted it was a good thing to do and we should do it. So we did and now I can't imagine not doing it. It will be a great addition to the catalogue and the show.

With 15 days to go, I've got to move on to the next project, but first a pause to reflect. As I write these words, I know the other three artist are hard at work. It is difficult to speculate on just how much we have influenced each other, but I know we have. Being in such close and constant contact, reviewing each other's work and being energized by it has kept us all simmering in a bath of adrenaline.

An artist's profession tends to be a solitary one. As much as we love being around people, we all treasure our time alone. When you are alone, holding a cup of coffee, watching the steam curl up, with paint or clay all over your hands - that's when the magic happens. In my case, when I'm actually painting I'm probably in some sort of trance state because I lose all sense of time and myself. The times I'm actually aware of joy, inspiration, consternation, or outright fear is during those in-between moments.

Like right now. And yes I'm feeling all of the above.


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