Friday, October 15, 2010

Humbling Experience

Asking for help is never easy. I usually don't ask when it comes to something for myself, but this show is different. I have the privilege of working with these amazingly talented artists and am constantly in awe of what they can would be surprised at their range. But now, it's not just the talent of these artists, but the support of friends, colleagues and art supporters. The old saying, "It takes a village.." is so true. When I am in my studio creating, my mind often wanders to past show openings, recalling all the friendly faces coming out to support's powerful. What a motivator! As Artists, where would we be if we didn't have people coming to view our masterpieces? The support from this show has been humbling, and we thank you. We need you and look forward to seeing you on opening night 11/10.


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