Saturday, September 25, 2010

Find a Way, or Make One

At some point in their career, every artist has to ask themselves, "Dare I risk the marketplace?" I don't mean your hometown or your county or even your state, but your country and even (gasp!) the world. You get the stones to contact someone like Cheryl Squadrito Moskovitz (Media Friendly Public Relations) and assure her (1) you've no principles to speak of, and (2) you're ready to ride - whatever it takes. And she says, "But I do, and there are limits, and this is my contract, sign here." At that point you realize (1) Oliver Stone is an ass (random, but I needed to say it) and (2) all you have is your friends, and that net is wide enough to change the world.

Jeff, Jaime, Rhoda and I are ready to get the PR train rolling and the show is only 6weeks away!! The opening reception is Wednesday, November 10 from 5pm to 9pm at West Chester University (Mitchell Hall, McKinney Gallery) and everyone is invited.

Art will happen

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