Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blown to Bits...

Unfortunately...I am refering to one of my pieces...oh well...just dirt right? I opened the kiln this morning and was slightly deflated when I got to the bottom. As I took out each shelf and held the pieces proudly...still just a little warm...the kind of warmth you feel when you are holding a sleeping kitten... until that last shelf...aaaah there it was so sad, sitting in a pile of crumbs on that last shelf. The piece that blew was also part of a set too...ouch! Just like adding lemon juice to a wound. So, to my painter friends out there, remember how lucky you are that you don't have to walk into your studio in the morning and hope that your painting didn't explode in the night! Yes, this does make each piece that does come out of the fire all the more special. With the help of Adrian's enthusiasm, I will accept this challenge and get back to the studio to keep working...less than 6 weeks left....nothing else is allowed to crack or blow up..I won't let it.


  1. ouch! So sorry I feel your pain. I feel the same pain as I paint into the night accumulating brush strokes for perfection, going to sleep thinking I perfected it. Only to wake and enter the studio and from afar I find out the eyes aren't aligned and my portrait is cross eyed.

  2. bummer, Rhoda. How frustrating!!! I'm rooting for you.
