Monday, August 9, 2010

A Luncheon to Take Over the Art World

Ok so this is not going to be a surprise attack since I am blogging about it. It is my way of giving everyone warning that we are gathering; we are creating and we are coming to a gallery near you!

The well attended lunch was launched yesterday. The artists in suspect were; Adrian Martinez local hero and classical painter, Rhoda Kahler with her fast acting, energetic fury of sculptural accomplishments, Jamie Paxson man of all trades with the skill and patience to see any project to completion and myself Jeff Schaller painter, entertainer and host. We were all equipped with our very patient sidekicks (aka our spouses) that graciously smiled as we rambled and dissected intellectual thoughts.

The wine flowed as we discussed the best ways to make everyone aware of our gallant efforts in the studio. We discussed ideas on what we wanted to accomplish and what we could accomplish. Rhoda suggested brownies for the opening, having tasted the salad she brought this is an accomplishable task. Jamie told us about his recent trip to Spain and how he snapped some pictures of unusual juxtapositions. Adrian’s wish list of accomplishments is to sell a painting in Dubai for $2 million dollars. Considering the show is at West Chester University and I’m not sure about their foreign exchange program, this is still something to aim for. I, on the other hand reached for another piece of that farm fresh goat cheese and reconfirmed the deadlines in which we had to get everything done by, November 10th.

— Jeff Schaller

1 comment:

  1. Brownies...did I say that? Leah's double chocolate brownies certainly rocked. I already put in my order for yummy Yellow Springs Farm goat cheese for the at least I can check one thing off my list. So did anyone really paint after that lunch? I had good intentions to work in my studio...but it was awfully hot in there.

    So, I think I want to buy one more kiln. A big one. Not for the brownies of course, but I keep making pieces that don't fit into my existing kilns....funny problem...perhaps I need a new tape measure instead......naaaa...I'll get the kiln.

    Hasta luego
